BIPOD 2022

May 5 - May 29, 2022
4:30 PM


This 18th edition of BIPOD takes place in Lyon & Beirut, with a live streaming program on digital platform. We gathered a program of performances, videos, discussions, debates, experiences and conversations around the thematic of #cultural_disobedience. Opening a discussion about culture in relation to several artistic, social, and political concerns is an urgency today. How culture can intervene and engage in the social and political without losing its artistic drive and questions. And how much cultural dynamics are reflecting a scene of inclusion and equality. What does it mean to be an artist? A programmer? And what does it even mean to be an ‘active’ audience and why? It seems there is a vital need, on an artistic and curatorial level, to rethink our approaches to culture and question current operating dynamics. Our aspiration is to explore how inspiring ideas, that materialized themselves in theatres, festivals, companies, and collectives, can continue to rejuvenate, revitalize themselves, and serve their innovative purposes.

Live Streaming

g r oo v e

Soa Ratsifandrihana

g r oo v e was born from an irrepressible desire to create a piece, where "grooving" is an imperative. Between a search for s...

Live Streaming

Abaya Road

Zeid Hamdan

Abaya Road is the latest of Zeid Hamdan's projects. This umpteenth musical formation allows this hyperactive producer to have...


Concerns OutLoud

Mia HabisKhouloud YassineBintou DembéléJulia Moncla

A conversation at How much artists are protected and have the ability to decide their own paths. What do they need and how wo...


Caring, Daring, Sharing

Omar RajehPeggy OlislaegersRana KhouryPascal BrunetHope Azeda

Maqamat organizes in partnership with the CND and the Relais Culture Europe, on May 6 and 7 in Lyon, meetings in several form...


Cartes sur Table - a future for dance in Ukraine?

Simon DoveAnton OvchinnikovPolina Bulat

How do artists work in a war zone? How can artists safeguard a culture under threat of annihilation? What does courage and da...

Lab for Artists

Brainstorming/ Bodystorming with Peggy Olislaegers

Peggy OlislaegersJulia MonclaEmma DufiefMatthis Lainé SilasBérengère FournierClotilde Amprimoz

What does it mean to be an artist nowadays? In this lab internationally acclaimed dance activist Peggy Olislaegers will chall...


Corps, Conscience et Cosmos

Vania VaneauChristophe DemurLaurent Chevillard

What are the links between the body consciousness and the cosmos? Or first of all, what is the body, the consciousness, the c...

Cinedans Program


Cinedans curates a selective program of video-dance films for this edition of BIPOD.

Live Streaming


Ginevra Panzetti Enrico Ticconi

As slipping out of the cloth of constantly fluttering flags, heraldic symbols take form and weight. Chimerical beings and one...

Studio Presentation

Flowing Connection

Fabian Thomé

We will start by awakening the body with breathing exercises working from the joints towards the movement, to be able to flow...


Maqamat is a dance company that was established in Beirut in 2002 by Omar Rajeh and moved to Lyon in 2020 in the perspective of developing its creative and cultural projects in France and internationally. It played a major role in the organization, creation and establishment of a contemporary dance scene in Lebanon and the region. It has founded major dance projects such as BIPOD-Beirut International Platform of Dance, Takween, an intensive training program, Moultaqa Leymoun, a showcase platform supporting artists from different Arab countries and more recently the digital platform

Learn more


Maqamat Beit El Raqs
Masahat Dance Network
Moultaqa Leymoun

In partnership with Théâtre Beryte

CND - Centre National de la Danse
Sursock Museum

In Cooperation with

Relais Culture Europe
Allianz Kulturstiftung

With the support of

Ministère de la Culture
Institut Francais Liban
Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon
Arab Fund for Arts and Culture
Institut Français Jérusalem
Prefet de la Region Auvergne Rhone-Alpes
Al Mawred
Ville de Lyon
Institut Francais du Paris
Wallonnie Bruxelles International
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Spanish Embassy in Beirut

In collaboration with

Sareyyet Ramallah
Cinedans Fest
Menhir Dance Company
Beirut Physical Lab

Media Partners

L'Orient Le Jour


Saadallah & Loubna Khalil Foundation

PR & Communication/ Beirut

Mirros Communication & Media

All at your fingertip !

Live festival and events reservoir of all performances, cultural multidisciplinary multicultural discourse.

Coming soon !