The film deals with touching in the junior competition. High-level sport gives a young athlete real strength of character, bu...
As a teenage figure skater and dancer, Maëlla Mickaëlle turned to filmmaking with the aim of combining dance and image. Trained in the performing arts, choreography and film, she intertwines these disciplines. After joining one of the Femis programmes, she made her first films. The first one was self-produced and programmed at the Centre Pompidou. With the director Jean-François Peyret, she produced various filmed forms (Avignon Festival, Théâtre National la Colline, 104, MC93, Ircam Manifeste, Vitry studio). her film Triple Boucle is her first producted.
The film deals with touching in the junior competition. High-level sport gives a young athlete real strength of character, bu...
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