A Journey to Jerusalem, also known as Trip to Jerusalem, is a dance production project inspired by the famous children’s gam...
Stereo48 is a Palestinian young organization working in the field of performing art and particularly contemporary theater and dance. It has been founded in 2014 by a group of break-dancers from the city of Nablus. Their mission is to enhance the performing art scene in Palestine through several programs: theatre and dance performances, hip-hop workshops and classes in the refugee camps always believing in the positive impact of culture on the people living in marginalized areas. Moreover the Dance Competitions Program that they organize focuses on expanding and spreading the culture of dance and hip-hop through dance competitions for professionals engaging in friendly contests.
A Journey to Jerusalem, also known as Trip to Jerusalem, is a dance production project inspired by the famous children’s gam...
This is the first episode of False Awakening which is a short-form dance series consisting of 3 episodes and based on the mus...
Live festival and events reservoir of all performances, cultural multidisciplinary multicultural discourse.
Coming soon !