Bird Dog is a (danced) road movie, a trip that alters the perspective of the participant’s daily life, driving them to questi...
Marina Mascarell (Oliva, Spain, 1980) is a choreographer based in The Netherlands. Associated Artist at Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona since 2018 and Resident Choreographer at Korzo Theater in The Hague between 2011-21. In her art, her reflexions, inquires and concepts turn into a poetic fight where thought transforms into corporeality and movement. Marina is interested in a rebellious body characterized by questioning normativity. She considers the dancing body a form of resistance, deeply rooted in a political and social action.
Bird Dog is a (danced) road movie, a trip that alters the perspective of the participant’s daily life, driving them to questi...
Live festival and events reservoir of all performances, cultural multidisciplinary multicultural discourse.
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