How can water excavate marble? In search of a stable identity through the flow of existence, SOURCE was born. This short film...
Guido Sarli is a choreographer & filmmaker, starts his dance formation in Rome, later continuing his training in Holland, where he graduated as a dancer at the Rotterdam Dance Academy (Codarts). In his career has worked with choreographers like Jiri Kylian, Ohad Naharin, Alexander Ekman, Stijn Celis, Gustavo Ramírez, Russell Maliphant among others. Leading his own dance company Umma Umma Dance (Barcelona 2010), he has created several pieces awarded at international choreography competitions like Copenhagen International Choreography Competition, Certamen Internacional de Coreografía Burgos New York, “No Ballet” International Choreography Competition Ludwigshafen, Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea de Canarias Masdanza, Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid. Photos Tommaso Cassinis
How can water excavate marble? In search of a stable identity through the flow of existence, SOURCE was born. This short film...
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