cie. toula limnaios

Dance Company

The cie. toula limnaios is an ensemble for contemporary dance, founded in 1996 by Toula Limnaios and Ralf R. Ollertz. It presents around 60 to 70 performances every year while continuously producing ensemble works of exceptional quality, making them one of the most successful ensembles for contemporary dance today and a highlight of the German dance scene for the Goethe Institute and the Federal Foreign Office. Their dance is dynamic, critical and bold – with concern for humankind, made by and for people.

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isson – a solo for two men

cie. toula limnaios

The motif of the ‘doppelganger’ is both irritating and fascinating at the same time: his appearance confounds the boundaries ...


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Live festival and events reservoir of all performances, cultural multidisciplinary multicultural discourse.

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